
This year, in keeping with the heart-shaped theme of the month, we thought we’d look at a vital heart-shape; the heart and its health. Our minds and bodies are inextricably linked. They are two parts of one entity that work together to keep us healthy...

Mental Health Care Plans can be difficult to navigate, especially when you are not feeling your best-which is usually when you need them! Read on to understand what a Mental Health Care Plan is, what it can do for you, how it works and how...

The Polyvagal perspective provides an insight into our nervous system and how it responds to safety and threat. This theory then illustrates, using the nervous system responses to triggers or stimuli, how our body attempts to keep us safe. Our nervous system is constantly scanning our...

What does my child’s behaviour mean? Understanding what motivates other people’s behaviour can be difficult, and this is even more the case when it comes to children. Trying to make seen of what causes or motivates your child’s behaviour can leave you feeling confused, frustrated, and...

A strong social support system is important in helping us through stressful times – whether that stress is a bad day at work or a year impacted by a global pandemic. We’ve all likely heard the term ‘social support system’ and know that it is a...

Personality disorders are a complex category of mental health disorders that are often poorly understood by the general public and mistaken for other issues. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5th Edition (DSM-5), which is a guide that psychologists use to diagnose mental health disorders describes...

Have you ever noticed your mind wandering when driving your car, washing the dishes, vacuuming the house or doing other familiar and repetitive tasks? You might be worrying about a faux pas you made in conversation, or fantasizing about a future holiday. Either way, you’re...

How would you define happiness? Unsurprisingly, the answers differ, person to person. Some would say family, others would say travel, other might say helping others, or enjoying free time to themselves. The big challenge with happiness is not just that there is no ‘one size fits...

If you are reading this, it is likely that you, or someone you know, is caring for a person with a disability. Whilst unconditional love and support are at the foundations of a caring relationship, it can also take a toll on the carer’s sense...