Narrative therapy is a relatively young approach to therapy. It was developed in the 1980’s by Michael White, a social...
The Polyvagal Perspective
The Polyvagal perspective provides an insight into our nervous system and how it responds to safety and threat. This...
Have you ever noticed your mind wandering when driving your car, washing the dishes, vacuuming the house or doing...
What Does Acceptance Mean to you?
By Melissa Bourchier. In Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) we consider acceptance to mean embracing emotions,...
SELF-CARE QUARTER: Mindfulness – What is it and how can it Help?
By Melanie Turner It seems that everywhere you turn at the moment you hear the term “Mindfulness” but what does it...
MINDFULNESS: Does It Mean I Have to Meditate?
by Melissa Bourchier- Psychologist There are many questions that bring people to think about mindfulness. And many...
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