Binge Eating Disorder

Always There To Care

Be in Charge of what you eat


Do you constantly feel out of control around eating? Do you eat more rapidly than most people? Do you eat when not hungry? Or maybe even eat normal amounts around others but over eat in secret?


If you have answered yes to these questions, you may have a Binge Eating Disorder.


What is a Binge Eating Disorder?


Binge eating disorder is the most common of all Eating disorders. It affects around 47% of Australians with an Eating Disorder.  It is characterised by constantly consuming abnormally large amounts of food often when not hungry.


If you don’t address your Binge Eating Disorder your physical and emotional health are likely to be negatively impacted.


Call one of our Vida Psychologists today on 9328 3636 to learn how we can help.



Always There To Care