
Have you ever noticed your mind wandering when driving your car, washing the dishes, vacuuming the house or doing other familiar and repetitive tasks? You might be worrying about a faux pas you made in conversation, or fantasizing about a future holiday. Either way, you’re...

How would you define happiness? Unsurprisingly, the answers differ, person to person. Some would say family, others would say travel, other might say helping others, or enjoying free time to themselves. The big challenge with happiness is not just that there is no ‘one size fits...

If you are reading this, it is likely that you, or someone you know, is caring for a person with a disability. Whilst unconditional love and support are at the foundations of a caring relationship, it can also take a toll on the carer’s sense...

Feelings of anxiety, loneliness and isolation have been a common experience for many the two-and-a-bit years since the COVID-19 pandemic began. During Melbourne’s rolling lockdowns, you didn’t see friends or family the way you might have been used to. Most likely, you missed colleagues from...

Struggling with substances can be an incredibly draining and frustrating experience. The urges that often accompany the cessation of using a substance can be some of the toughest feelings you may deal with in your life. Following the decision to stop using a substance, you may...

We all know that feeling of being nervous or uncomfortable in social settings. You might have noticed your palms getting sweaty when you meet someone new, or having ‘brain freeze’ when giving a presentation at work. Public speaking, walking into a room full of strangers...

Goal setting is an important first step in achieving anything, whether personally or professionally. However, with the best intentions in the world, we often set goals for ourselves but fail to achieve them. This can set us up for a pattern of goal setting, failure,...

By Kelsie Bufton One of the most difficult things in the interactions we have with others is knowing how to get want we want, whilst maintaining strong and healthy relationships. When we don’t have the right skills, it can be so easy for conversations to get...